Boo! Happy late Halloween. I know this is a house blog, but I can't keep from bragging on our teachers for a minute. For the past 5 weeks, we have been learning the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance so that we could surprise the kids with it at the talent show on the Friday before Halloween. It was
soooo great! Here's the link to the video.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvEtfGKyuJQAs you can see, we went all out on our makeup and costume. The picture above is of me (zombie bride) and Stephanie (zombie football player).
Here's one of Ms. Baskin (Michael Jackson), Mrs. Gould (aka
rock star zombie) and Mrs. Wyatt (zombie nurse)

A group pic: Starting on the back row from left to right: Mrs. Houston, Mrs.
Sosebee, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Wyatt, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Gould, Ms. Terrill, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Koch. Bottom row: Mrs. Lynch, Ms
Baskin and Mrs.

Shelly (track zombie) and Stephanie

Me and my "groom" Anna Jo

Tonya was trying to avoid having her picture made (she's a cowgirl zombie)

And the best makeup award goes to Mrs. Lynch! Wow....
Now to house stuff...I'll just tell ya right now....it is a pretty good feeling to know that you will have a place for your sewer to go! I'm pretty sure that we have a septic tank installed and the lateral line ditches are dug with pipes by them. I didn't know that they were going to be working on this today, but the big mounds of dirt on the north side of the yard kinda gave it away...along with the big backhoe sitting there. They must have been testing the drainage in the ditches because there sure was a lot of water soaked into the ground. I wonder what my water bill will be...

Since the bridge has been under construction, I wasn't sure that any work could be done, but apparently that didn't matter because we walked into the house and...(imagine the bright lights of heaven shining down on us and the heavenly choir singing here...) we had some drywall up! I know, it seems silly to put the whole heaven scene with this, but it just seems like that has been my goal since May. Drywall. It really makes it feel like a house. And it makes it shrink. In a hurry. I'm sure it didn't shrink...but not being able to see the garage from our bedroom anymore makes it feel so enclosed. (Yeah, I'm stating the obvious here, but give me a break! It is 5 am on Saturday morning and I can't sleep.) Anyway, here's some pics of the drywall up so far:
Our bedroom

Our bath (The two door openings are actually entrances to the shower. The tub will be placed kinda in the middle of the room, but attached to the small wall between the shower entrances.

Since this is a little difficult to picture, here's a picture of the inspiration bath taken from garrellassociates.com (just to give credit where credit is due.) There will be a few differences like the ceiling shape and the window, but the rest is pretty close to this.

One of the vanity areas is to the left, and our toilet is to the right.


Workout room

Ceiling in Ty's room

Ceiling with the air intake

Ty loved playing on this pile of gravel. I don't know what the plan is for the gravel, but I'm sure it involves the driveway.

Wow, first, why in the world are you up so early on a Saturday morning?? Second, I made your blog, yea!! Love the pictures!! Third, I can NOT believe how far all this has come and I love that I have gotten to see the whole process!! Great Post!!!