Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23rd...Today's post is brought to you by the letter "S"

Since "S"tephanie is the only one who regularly leaves comments on my blog, I'm dedicating today's work picture totally to her....this one's for you Stephanie!Yep...that's what we got accomplished at the house today. A stake was driven in the ground so that the sand-man would know where to deliver the sand. Sorry Stephanie. I wish it could have been a better post for you.


  1. I am sooooooooooo laughing right now, OMGoodness, I am laughing so hard I am crying. Thank You for the great picture with the great update on the house!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yessirreee...she's coming along just fine. We'll be moving in any year now. (If you can't hear the sarcasm through the computer, well...just imagine lots of it)


Our Home in the Woods

Our Home in the Woods