Tuesday's progress on the upstairs. We've got some insulation and some extra wood installed so we can hang drywall and have room for more insulation. This is the bonus room over the garage (what we are now calling the play room).

This is the other room upstairs (what we are now calling Doyle's man-cave...except that it is upstairs instead of down, so does that make it a man-nest?)

Wednesday's progress on the upstairs. The bathroom is on the left and Doyle's man-nest (
hehe) is on the right. I don't know what all of the spots are...I even cleaned my camera lens. I know...maybe they are orbs! Think we have
EVP's???? Should we call in the ghost hunters? I know...too much TV Mandy.

This is the playroom. All ready for some drywall here boss!

Tuesday's delivery of more bricks. It looks like the delivery guy didn't want to chance getting stuck in the back yard again. I think all of the brick is in the front yard, even though almost none of it is going on the front of the house. I guess there will be lots of carrying bricks, huh?

Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Okay, here's what we've been waiting on for a LONG time.

Wednesday's first day of brick installation. Isn't it pretty?????
I'm just
lovin' the dark mortar. I think it will lighten up a little because it is still wet...but that's okay!!!! I'm thrilled to see it going up!
I am seriously loving the brick!! It is so purty. I love my room is getting completed, yea!!!!!!! I can't believe how close it is to being done!!!