We've been gone on vacation driving
NASCAR cars at
Talladega and sitting on our behinds on the beach all week. What a great vacation! Since this blog is supposed to be about the house build, I'll spare you too many vacation pics, but I have to post a few!

Doyle is getting ready to drive his 12 laps! He was able to drive 174 mph on the track and he managed to do really well.

After Doyle drove his laps, I was pretty envious that he did this, so I ponied up some $$$ to ride with an instructor for 6 laps and do 180+ mph while racing another car and bump-drafting and passing. It was so fun!

Us....well most of us (the camera cut part of Ty out) at Orange Beach.

Here's a pic of Ty since he was partially cut out of the last picture. He loves the sand!
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